Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Brazilian Wax

21st November 2009.

Went for my brazilian wax appointment. Me and Weiting's first time. haha.

We went to Pink Parlour.

The place is nice and sweet because it's in pink after all.

Talk about hygiene, they do provide shower room for us to "clean up" before our treatment.

It looks like some x-men's operation room or something. haha, maybe the lighting.

Inside the shower room..

We bought Caron - bump eraser, S$78, known to prevent ingrowns hair, slow down your hair growth, hair growth become finer with regular use, and most importantly, it can ease the discomfort to all post wax problem. It can be use after shave too. It is one of the best seller there.

If you ask me how pain it was (brazilian wax), I'd rate it 10/10!!!!!!!!! (at least in my case), I'm quite bearable to pain, but this just... too much for me.

Well, you need to stop shaving for 2 weeks if you want to do it, it's hard to wax with short hair, and it's gonna be more painful, especially at the sensitive area.

Going back next month and I'm gonna try underarm waxing as well!

Go for it if you like baby smooth skin! hehe.

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