Friday, March 25, 2011

Genting 2011

Went for a short Genting trip, cheap deal but.... donated those $$ back to the casino.
It was raining so we missed outdoor theme park. uber sad.

hello kitty x1 x passport cover.

more like a bowling trip. I like the neon lights, all bowling alleys should be like this!

hello kitty x2 x half face.

outdoor theme park. was so looking forward to it. :(

arcade. michael and mingfang tried so hard (and so many times) to catch a pillow but keep getting rabbit! hahaha i like the rabbit though, cuter than pillow!

hello kitty x3 x mini rabbit

hello kitty x baby tigger.

see ya again Genting, please don't rain the next time i go.

LOVE, xoxo.

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