Saturday, March 29, 2008

random post as usual..

went to Changi Terminal 3 yesterday, its like a shopping mall + airport. tons of food to eat! as in.. compare to other terminal.

work.. as usual. nothing much..

went to Jason's new house last Sunday, I like Wii game!

someone msg me EARLY on Friday morning, ask me to wake up and pee! omg. and she is having fun at Tioman now!!

I want to watch ALOT of movie!! like..

The spiderwick Chronicles
Step up 2
The leap years
The Eye
Rule #1
and also.. Kung Fu Dunk.

I need DVDs!

I cannot find my melody webcam, so i bought kitty one instead, even the color of the installation CD is pink!


Ban-mian at T3 food court, beside Popeye!

my UOB lady's card has arrived! finally! more like a discount card! its like discount everywhere with this card! :)

someday at Ikea.. I need to get a new bed!

meet up with the girls last week! lobster pasta~~

I like this picture!! :DDDD

Thursday, March 20, 2008

went for a seminar at sentosa yesterday, damn boring.. luckily they provide nice food..

GOOD FRIDAY tomorrow! tell me who dun love holiday?!

was really busy for the past few days, i will blog more once i finish the current server project.

meeting has been postponed to 2nd week of April, thanks to the management! im too lazy and tired nowadays, dun even care to come online..

will bring this during my trip to phuket/bintan! since he got this during IT show..

Friday, March 14, 2008

sorry if you message me today.

my DEAD phone is useless now.

keep on showing me error like phone's memory is FULL, cant perform any operation, when all my images/mp3/messages are stored in memory card.

I did a reset on setting, and now, i cant even turn off the keypad's sound, cant ON vibration, and obviously cant change my ringtone. CANT do anything.

WORSE, i can see an small envolope blinking at the corner of my phone, but i was told my phone memory is full, so i cant receive any. i cant even go in to write a message. ZZZ

alright, maybe its time for me to get a new phone.

my family and I actually planning to go somewhere else during that weekend but since my dad is STILL in Spain now, so everything is on hold now.

i got so much to blog!

work is more on IT now, working on the server, cold weather plus super freezing server room, i really duno why those IT enginner can stay in the room for so long! of cos at the same time, im learning too.

argh!! im still very pissed off with my phone!