Monday, June 13, 2011

Chocolate craving during period

I walked past a book store the other day, saw a book "What do you eat during menstrual period" with vegetable, fruits and some fish and beans on the cover. Who follow that? I bet none of my friends follow healthy diet. The most I take some chinese herb drinks during period and another kind of herbs tea after period (not sure if it's selling in Singapore, I bought it from oversea) But that only if I remember, or you may try to cook SiWu decoction (四物汤) or BaZhen decoction (八珍汤) too (only after period), good for women!

Sadly, we usually crave for chocolate or sweet food during our menstrual period. Why?

Once I heard or read from somewhere that we can be assured to eat sweets because we won't get fat during these period. High calories sweet can increase our blood circulation and somehow it helps to ease menstrual pain (impossible?!). Also, chocolates usually make us feel positive and happy, especially good for PMS and menstrual period (?!).

I'm not sure if it's only a psychological thing but I crave for chocolate during my period more than normal days. This is weird because usually we do not have much appetite during period (at least for me) but still crave for chocolate! Maybe due to the loss of iron during the menstrual period, I read that chocolate contains a large amount of iron, thus the craving.

I'm trying to cut down on chocolate intake during my period (cause sore throat in my case -_-). I also found out that red beans are rich in iron too! Next time I shall eat red bean soup instead of chocolate!! Sore throat is killing me now. I've been drinking lots of water but it still feels the same!!

Sorry Chocolate, you are banned next month.

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