I got really angry when I was reading Xiaxue's blog about cheating. Or more like it reminds me of a slut.
Quoted from Xiaxue's blog.
"How many times have I heard of flirty sms chats girlfriends found on their boyfriends' phones?
And they are like "Oh that's nothing what we are just friends"
I don't get it. You don't KNOW that a girl/guy is flirting with you? Are you fucking retarded on top of being a stinking liar? An sms that starts with "How's your day?" is nowhere NEAR innocuous and NOT appropriate when it's asked by someone who is not close to you.
It is an INVITATION to start getting to know you better, and if you reply with intention to feel good about yourself from the positive attention from this person, YOU ARE CHEATING.
Have some balls. Don't reply, or reply with the correct vibe, ie, "Not bad, spending the day cuddling with my girlfriend. Life is good. I'm glad I'm not the cheating sort. So wait your turn bitch."
Yeah see? That wasn't hard. "____________________________________________
It just reminds me of some slut that has a 6-years boyfriend or so, sms with a guy who has a girlfriend. From the content of those sms, it's not normal or just friend. It's a fucking slut who trying to flirt.
Tell me which girl will sms a guy who is not even close to her or they just got know each other? SMS like giving a sad smiley face out of NO WHERE.
Like this " :( "
What does that mean? Expecting the guy to reply her :"oh what happen? are u ok?" or what the fuck?
PLEASE GO AND DIE. Don't you have ANY girlfriend to share your problem? rather than to a guy that you just got to know for like three days or one week?
Not to forget you have a fucking boyfriend.
FUCK LAH THIS KINDA SLUT. Seriously. Don't tell me it's just friend!!!!! YOU KNOW IT.
and I believe this slut is still doing the same thing to other guys.
Let me tell you, if you want to cheat when you are in a relationship, you're a SLUT if you flirt with single's. Flirt with attached guys, YOU'RE A FUCKING WHORE.
Seriously I do not understand why they still flirt when they have a bf/gf.
............... And
All men are jerks.because they just cannot leave the sms alone. They thought they got the charm to have girls to send flirting sms to them. They just want to reply even if they got a gf and when they know something is wrong with those particular sluts.
I never cheat in my r/s. I just wanna curse those who did it.
But all these just makes me sick. Losing my faith in relationship.
p/s: If you sluts really dun have a girlfriend to share your problem, you just have to fucking find those attached ppl to share. Something is wrong with you and nothing can fix it. Go and die.